- Nokia SPRD tab activated
Nokia 3G SS [TA-1006] supported
Nokia 3G SS [TA-1022] supported
Nokia 3G DS [TA-1036] supported
- Identify
- Reset Settings / Format FS
- Firmware Flashing ( cross, nvm update, lang change )
Info: Device security paired, store all NV backups to emergency case !
Info: Crossflashing can be done and not touch security ( require enable NV update )
- Nokia SP tab changes
Identify now read BOTH part info for A/B devices
Flash Engine updated
"UserData preserve" mode updated
Format FS / Reset FRP revised
Nokia 5.1+ ( Nokia X5 ) supported ( TA-1102, TA-1105, TA-1108, TA-1109, TA-1112, TA-1120 )
Nokia 3.1+ supported ( TA-1104, TA-1113, TA-1115, TA-1117, TA-1118, TA-1125 )
- Identify
- Reset Settings / Format FS / Reset FRP
- Firmware Flashing
- Nokia FP tab changes
PhoneBook extraction engine updated
Extract "from file" revised
Flash Engine updated
Download link